"My nephew was diagnosed two years ago, at 8 years old, with a rare eye disease that leads to blindness. The disease is called Retinoschisis. Our family has since partcipated in VisionWalk Charlotte to raise money for research. This year the walk was located at Queens College in Charlotte, NC.
We had a great experience with CustomInk. The Team Ryland shirts were so easy to create, and great quality shirts. I was shocked to receive a follow up email from the charity department to contribute to our event. We are very thankful for the donation. And will definitely recommend this company to anyone needing shirts. "
- http://www.fightblindness.org/site/TR/VISIONWALK/VisionWalktr?team_id=83750&pg=team&fr_id=5757#.WBObxnnrsj8
- Caulder (Oct 28, 2016)
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