"Team Relle was created to take part in the annual Prouty cancer research event that happens each year in Hanover, NH. The dollars earned go straight to grants and other research to help fight cancer. My niece at age 32 has stage 3 breast cancer, this is why I started the team. The event as a whole raised close to 3 million. Our team raised three times what we had hoped for at over $13,000. CustomInk was very helpful in the process and very easy to work with. They even donated to our team!! Thanks so much for the help and for creating such awesome shirts for our event! We had lots of positive comments not only from team members but from other event participants about the shirts. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!"
- http://theprouty.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1046237&lis=1&kntae1046237=0616AA888E984782B27F1A331919E678&supId=0&team=5464550
- Jim Chadwick (Jul 15, 2013)
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