Custom T-Shirts for outing departments
"got genuine?" shirts for Kickball In... by Adobe "got genuine?"
"This event is a yearly, recurring fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma society, with multiple teams entered in a round-robin tournament. Our Vice President in the Adobe Digital Media Go To Marke..."
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"Ribs for Your Pleasure" BBQ Cook-off... by Barbara H
"The "Ribs for Your Pleasure" team at the 9th annual BBQ cook-off at the Olympus Surgical Technologies America (OSTA) facility in Bartlett, Tennessee, held on Friday, June 7th, 2019. In previous ..."
View full detailsTighe & Bond Lobsterfest by
"Annually we do a lobster fest for all employees - approx. 300 attend. The management group does all the cooking and this year we provided custom aprons for them."
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Market 211 "Best of all the REST!! by Walmart Market 211
"Our Market 211 challenged Market 216 that we could beat them in sales for the month of May. We Won!! The guy in the grass skirt and coconut bra is the Market manager for 216, he had to wash the com..."
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I'm A Loser by MFI Losers
"We hold a weight loss competition every year. This year we labeled the contest as the "I'm A Loser" contest. Everyone who stayed in the contest and achieved at least a 1% weight loss, which is a ..."
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