"I'm only 17 years old. I was 205 lbs and 5'6". I was on the line of obesity. I ran into some guys from school who had self image problems in their own way. There were seven of us who ultimately made the decision to diet and work out together the summer before our Senior year. We called ourselves the shredded 7. None of us thought we would last. None of us took our group that seriously. But we stayed dedicated and We started to see amazing progress, we started to get more excited, we started inviting people out to share in our new found passion and motivation. As members grew shredded 7 grew to mean 7 days out of the week instead of 7 people. With growing excitement I decided to hop on the computer and throw together a logo. I didn't expect much but It turned out great. We use it to keep us motivated. Now thanks to Custom Ink's amazing service, we get to remind ourselves to work hard Everytime we put on the shirt. We get to motivate others and spread positivity. Over the summer I was able to lose 33 lbs. My friends made excellent strides as well. Now we're heading into our Senior year of high school with more confidence in ourselves and who we are and it's all thanks to Custom Ink getting us excited and keeping us motivated. We would greatly benefit from $100 as we are high school students and custom shirts can get a little expensive for our budgets. We would love to keep getting people out and spread the shred, with more amazing Custom Ink shirts."
- Hayden (Aug 24, 2017)
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