"Our Cross Country team is tight knit group of runners, we share a ton of pride for our group and our sport. What better way to prove our pride than to order custom workout shirts?! These few pictures describe our season perfectly! The upper right photo is the result of an attempt at kung fu after winning first place as a team in our division. The lower left is our team showing off our amazing shirts and medals. The upper right photo is our team plaque, marking one of many we've won this year. Everyone loves our shirts and many other teams have commented on them asking where we purchased them. We are always quick to refer them to CustomInk, bragging on their unparalleled customer service and amazing products. CustomInk is truly an amazing company and our team has already purchased several shirts that can be seen throughout the school as we sold 71 on the first order! We will definitely order more in the future! Thanks, CustomInk!"
- Goliad Cross Country (Nov 07, 2013)
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