"This event started 6 years ago with a few of us up camping in Minocqua, Wisconsin. We went into town and bought live lobsters and boiled them in our Turkey Fryers. Now it has grown to over 30 people all coming up and camping and celebrating what we call Lobsterfest. This year we made Lobster, Shrimp, Crab Legs, Frog Legs, Flounder, Orange Roughy, Swordfish, Scallops, Bass, Squid, Steak, Corn, Chicken Wings and French Fries. This is the first year we ordered shirts for most of us and I chose CustomInk because of its ease and that they offered shirt sizes all the way down to YXS which many don't and with this being a family event we have quite a variety. We will continue to get shirts from CustomInk as I feel the quality and Quickness of delivery was great. Bruce"
- Bruce (Aug 14, 2006)
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