"Kicking For A Cure is a team of primarily high school and college students. We have been participating with the Westfield/Sherdian Relay For Life in Westfield, Indiana for 5 years. This years event was held on May 20th, and it was a Disney themed Relay (Wish Upon A Cure) so we designed our shirts to be a play off the Wildcats from High School Musical. Our team alone raised over $1000 for the American Cancer Society. We take part in this event to raise both money and awareness for everyone affected by cancer. Our teammate survived leukemia and many of our teammates have family members who are affected by cancer, so this event is very personal to our team.
This year is the first year we got team shirts, and CustomInk made the process extremely easy even when we needed to replace a copyright image. I was incredibly impressed by the customer service and how personalized the process was. The shirts were great quality, our team loved them, and having the shirts displayed our team unity in the mist of an event with hundreds of people. CustomInk even went above and beyond to donate to our cause. "
- http://main.acsevents.org/goto/rsKickingForACure
- Rachel Hartman (May 22, 2017)
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