"This group is a community of supporters for James Helmuth, who passed away at 10 years old from Adrenal Cancer. This workshop for 1st and 2nd graders involved matching each little kid with a
"buddy"...one of James' little friends, who were in 6th grade at the time. In addition there were four coaches and four high school volunteers who displayed their basketball prowess at the end of the hour. This was a wildly successful event considering we just put in together with five people, paid for by James Helmuth Memorial Trust, and it was held in the middle of a blizzard in Wisconsin! What a fantastic day! We had 50 kids, 30 buddies, and six coach/helpers. What a fantastic tribute to James and his love of basketball. "
- https://sites.google.com/site/jameshelmuthmemorialtrust/
- LisaHelmuth (Oct 05, 2014)
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