"This event was for a walk to help families who are affected with ALS such as ours! We have done this walk every year since my husband was diagnosed at the age of 30! This is an amazing cause to help not only bring awareness to this rare disease but also raise money to help families in need and also help for research towards a cure as there is none as of now! We got lots of compliments on our t-shirts and are so happy how they turned out! My husband who thought of the design was so amazed the custom ink was able to bring it to life! Thank you so much! We will definitely be ordering in the future! "
- https://secure2.convio.net/alsa/site/SPageServer/?pagename=WLK_landing®=true&s_src=paidsearch&s_subsrc=google&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAABWK0MUt4cwly1AkH6wOP2Qjmdnez&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsK_u2J74iAMVujXUAR095y5oEAAYASAAEgJpkPD_BwE
- Lindsay (Oct 05, 2024)
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