"A group of us go on an annual wine tasting trip and each year we keep adding another van full of people (36 people this year -- 3 vans). We own our blue van while the other 2 vans rent white ones. To further our competition between the rival vans and display our van's superiority we surprised the other groups by showing up to the first winery sporting our custom ink t-shirts. The looks on their faces was priceless. We had so many people (not our group) coming up to us that day asking where they could buy those shirts, because the back of the shirts had a grape cluster and the Winter Wine Weekend event name and location on them. We had a great time and I think we will have to create something else for next year to once again, one-up the other vans."
- BlueVan (Feb 13, 2008)
Similar Photos: wine tasting | occasion | weekend getaway | friendly competition | wine | winter wine weekend
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